What Are Natural Pet Treats


Friends who keep pets must be familiar with natural pet snacks, but what are the characteristics of the so-called natural pet food? How is it different from our common ordinary pet snacks?

What Are Natural Pet Treats?

“Natural” means that the feed or ingredients are derived from plant, animal or mineral sources, such as the new dog treats. According to the American Association of Feed Control Officials, this means that pet food labeled “natural” should not contain any chemically synthetic additives such as processing aids and artificial flavors, colors or preservatives. Instead, natural preservatives such as vitamin E and vitamin C derivatives can be used.


Natural Pet Treat Labels

Natural pet foods also consist of whole ingredients such as chicken, beef, vegetables or fleshy fruits, connective tissue or organs. Products such as hearts and livers are generally not found in natural pet foods, although some manufacturers use them. If used as an ingredient, the food should be labeled.

Organic Pet Treats = No Chemicals

Natural organic pet food uses no antibiotics, hormones, toxic pesticides or fertilizers, no chemicals. In order for a product to receive the four organic labels, it must meet certain criteria, labeled by the National Standards Board (NOSB) as “100% organic,” “organic,” “made with organic,” and “made with organic ingredients,” among others.


Post time: Apr-03-2023