How To Choose Dog Food? What Should I Pay Attention To When Choosing Dog Food?

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There Are Many Varieties Of Dog Food On The Market, But The More Choices There Are, The More Difficult It Is. What Kind Of Dog Food Should My Dog ​​Eat? Perhaps Many Dog ​​Owners Are Also At a Loss. For Most Pet Owners, Safety, Health And Deliciousness Are The Criteria For Choosing Dog Food.

How To Choose Dog Food

When Choosing Dog Food, Pet Owners Are Most Concerned About Safety, Health And Deliciousness.

1. The Importance Of The Ingredient List

The Ingredient List Of Dog Food Is Arranged From Large To Small By Weight. If Chicken Ranks First In The Label List, It Means That Chicken Is The Main Ingredient In The Dog Food And Its Content Is Higher Than Other Ingredients. Pay Special Attention To This When Purchasing. If a Dog Food Is Labeled "Chicken Flavor", But Chicken Is Not Ranked First In The Ingredient List, It Means That The Chicken Content Is Not High.

· Dogs With Sensitive Skin: You Can Choose Dog Food With a High Chicken Content, Because Chicken Is Relatively Mild And Not Easy To Cause Allergies.

· Muscular Dogs: You Can Choose Dog Food With a High Beef Content, Which Helps To Increase Strength.

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1.Identification Of Meat Ingredients

Meat Is The Main Ingredient In Dog Food, But The Purity Of Meat May Vary From Brand To Brand. It Can Be Identified By The Following Methods:

·Small Test: Soak Different Brands Of Dog Food In a Bowl With Water And Put It In The Microwave For Two Minutes. After Heating, Open The Microwave Door And You Can Feel The Meaty Aroma Of The Dog Food. If The Meat Smell Is Not Pure Or Pungent, It Means That The Meat Ingredients Of The Dog Food May Not Be Good Enough.

2.Consideration Of Color, Aroma And Taste

Dog Food Usually Comes In a Variety Of Colors, Some Of Which Are Natural Pigments And Some Are Artificial Pigments. Try To Choose Dog Food Without Pigments. If Natural Pigments Are Used, It Is Also Acceptable. Observe The Color Of The Dog's Stool To Determine Whether The Dog Food Contains Natural Pigments.


The Price Of Dog Food Varies Greatly, Ranging From a Few Yuan To Hundreds Of Yuan. When Choosing, It Should Be Determined According To The Breed, Age And Economic Conditions Of The Dog. The Best One Is Suitable For The Dog, Not The More Expensive The Better.

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5.Identification Of The English Ingredient List

The Raw Material Item Should Contain At Least One Fresh Meat, Preferably One That Can Be Eaten By Humans. Pay Attention When Reading:

·Chicken Is Chicken, And Chickenmeal Is Chicken Meal. Meat Meal Is Dried Animal Tissue After Oil Extraction, Which Is Essentially Different From Fresh Meat.

·According To The Standards Of The American Feed Management Association, The Highest Grades Are Meat (Pure Meat) And Poultry (Poultry), Followed By Meat Meal (Meat Meal) And Poultry Meal (Poultry Meal).

·Avoid Choosing Dog Food Containing Meat By-Products (By-Product) Because These May Be Scraps.

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6.Choice Of Bulk Dog Food

Bulk Dog Food Is Favored By Some People Because Of Its Low Price, But You Should Pay Attention To The Following When Buying It:

·Buy In Small Quantities And Multiple Times: Bulk Dog Food Is Not Packaged, The Production Date Is Unclear, And It Is Easy To Deteriorate Due To Contact With Air.

·Pay Attention To The Container: Choose a Professional Bulk Container With a High-Strength Sealing Effect To Keep The Dog Food Fresh.

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Feeding Precautions

1. Seven-Point Full: Do Not Let The Dog Eat Too Much, The Appropriate Amount Is Best When The Dog Is Still Full.

2. Clean In Time: Clean The Dog Bowl Immediately After The Meal To Prevent The Residue From Attracting Flies, Cockroaches, And Ants, Especially In Summer, When Food Is Easy To Deteriorate.

3. Avoid Strenuous Activities: Dogs Should Not Run And Jump Immediately After Eating To Avoid Vomiting.

4. Plenty Of Clean Water: Plenty Of Clean Water Must Be Provided When Feeding. Although It Is Not Necessary To Use Distilled Water Or Boiled Water, It Must Be Clean.

5. Avoid Being "Cheated": Dogs That Have Been Locked In Cages For a Long Time Will Appear To Be Particularly Greedy When Eating, But This Does Not Mean That They Are Really Hungry.

Through These Precautions, Owners Can Better Choose Dog Food Suitable For Their Dogs To Ensure Their Health And Happiness.

Post time: Jun-15-2024